Documentation / API / JSON Objects Detailed

Here is a complete list of the different JSON objects that can be sent and received through the API.

Blog Post


Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the blog post
title String (max 255 chars) Title of the blog post
slug String (max 255 chars) URL shorthand (slug) of the blog post
content String Complete HTML content of the blog post
visible Boolean Indicates whether or not the blog post is displayed on the website
visibledate DateTime Date at which the blog posts starts to be visible
visibledateend DateTime Date at which the blog posts disapears from the website
seopagetitle String (max 255 chars) Title of the page (if different from the title) for SEO purpose
seopagedescription String (max 255 chars) Description of the page for search engines for SEO purpose
seometakeywords String (max 255 chars) Keywords for the page for SEO purpose
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the blog post
createdon DateTime Date at which the blog post had been created
tag String (max 255 chars) Text tag
id GUID Unique ID of the comment on the blog post
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the person who left the comment on the website
email String (max 255 chars) Email of the person who left the comment on the website
content String Content of the comment
createdon DateTime Date at which the comment has been left on the website
id GUID Unique ID of the version of the blog post
content String Complete HTML content of the blog post
version Integer Version number
createdon DateTime Date at which the version has been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "title": "My First Blog Post",
    "slug": "my-first-blog-post",
    "content": "My first blog post content",
    "visible": "true",
    "visibledate": "2016-01-07 00:00:00",
    "visibledateend": "2017-01-01 00:00:00",
    "seopagetitle": "SEO page title",
    "seopagedescription": "SEO META description",
    "seometakeywords": "SEO META keywords",
    "tags": [
        "tag": "tag1"
        "tag": "tag2"
    "versions": [
        "id": "92660d48-8844-485f-81be-1c7c178e768a",
        "content": "example",
        "version": "1",
        "createdon": "2016-01-07 14:08:30"
    "comments": [
        "id": "572b9a7b-1b21-4ceb-928f-09cee9d9bcda",
        "name": "Mr Example",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "content": "content example",
        "createdon": "2016-02-04 10:43:26"
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-07 14:08:30"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the category
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the category
slug String (max 255 chars) URL shorthand (slug) of the category
description String (max 255 chars) Description of the category
seopagetitle String (max 255 chars) Title of the page (if different from the title) for SEO purpose
seopagedescription String (max 255 chars) Description of the page for search engines for SEO purpose
seometakeywords String (max 255 chars) Keywords for the page for SEO purpose
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the category
createdon DateTime Date at which the category had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Category",
    "slug": "my-first-category",
    "description": "My first category description",
    "seopagetitle": "SEO page",
    "seometakeywords": "SEO META keywords",
    "seopagedescription": "SEO META",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-10-03 16:03:21"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the collection
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the collection
slug String (max 255 chars) URL shorthand (slug) of the collection
description String (max 255 chars) Description of the collection
seopagetitle String (max 255 chars) Title of the page (if different from the title) for SEO purpose
seopagedescription String (max 255 chars) Description of the page for search engines for SEO purpose
seometakeywords String (max 255 chars) Keywords for the page for SEO purpose
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the collection
createdon DateTime Date at which the collection had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Collection",
    "slug": "my-first-collection",
    "description": "My first collection description",
    "seopagetitle": "SEO page",
    "seometakeywords": "SEO META keywords",
    "seopagedescription": "SEO META",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-10-03 16:06:54"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the country
code String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the country
defaultcurrencycode String (max 255 chars) Default currency of the country

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "code": "CA",
    "name": "Canada",
    "defaultcurrencycode": "CAD"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the coupon
startdate DateTime Start date of the coupon
enddate DateTime End date of the coupon
code String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the coupon
type String (Predefined values) Type of coupon
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the coupon
discountamount Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Amount of the discount
minimumpurchase Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Minimum purchase to get the discount
limittotal Integer (max 11 digits) Number of times the coupon can be use
limitcustomer Integer (max 11 digits) Number of times the coupon can be use by the customer
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the coupon
createdon DateTime Date at which the coupon had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "startdate": "2016-10-08 00:00:00",
    "enddate": "2016-10-23 00:00:00",
    "code": "my-first-coupon",
    "type": "AMOUNT_ORDER",
    "name": "My First Coupon",
    "discountamount": "99999999.99",
    "minimumpurchase": "0.00",
    "limittotal": "0",
    "limitcustomer": "0",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-09-06 10:36:02"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the customer
email String (max 255 chars) Email of the customer
firstname String (max 255 chars) First name of the customer
lastname String (max 255 chars) Last name of the customer
birthdate DateTime Birthdate of the customer
company String (max 255 chars) Company of the customer
addressline1 String (max 255 chars) Address first line of the customer
addressline2 String (max 255 chars) Address second line of the customer
phone String (max 255 chars) Phone number of the customer
cellphone String (max 255 chars) Cell phone number of the customer
countryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country of the customer
countrycode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country of the customer
countryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country of the customer
stateid GUID (States) Unique ID of the state of the customer
statecode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the state of the customer
statename String (max 255 chars) Name of the state of the customer
city String (max 255 chars) City of the customer
postalcode String (max 255 chars) Postal code of the customer
credit Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Number of credits the customer has
guest Boolean Indicates whether or not the customer is a guest on the website
confirmed Boolean Indicates whether or not the customer confirmed his registration
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the customer
createdon DateTime Date at which the customer had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstname": "First",
    "lastname": "Customer",
    "birthdate": "1980-01-01",
    "company": "commerscale",
    "addressline1": "123 street",
    "addressline2": "",
    "phone": "4181234567",
    "cellphone": "4189876543",
    "countryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "countrycode": "CA",
    "countryname": "Canada",
    "stateid": "ea150089-6c9f-4c00-81f3-e64e67270fe9",
    "statecode": "QC",
    "statename": "Quebec",
    "city": "Quebec",
    "postalcode": "G1G1G1",
    "credit": "20.00",
    "guest": "false",
    "confirmed": "false",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-09-06 15:45:36"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the domain
url String (max 255 chars) URL of the domain
redirecturl String (max 255 chars) URL where to redirect the calls
dnsconfigured Boolean Indicates whether or not the dns is configured
resale Boolean Indicates whether or not the domain as been bought on CommerscaleTM
default Boolean Indicates whether or not it's the default domain of the store
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the domain
createdon DateTime Date at which the domain had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "url": "",
    "redirecturl": "",
    "dnsconfigured": "false",
    "resale": "false",
    "default": "false",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-06 15:15:01"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the file
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the uploaded original file
extension String (max 255 chars) Extension of the file
url String (max 255 chars) Complete URL to access the file
size Integer (max 11 digits) Size of the file (in bytes)
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that uploaded the file
createdon DateTime Date at which the file had been uploaded

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "my-first-file.png",
    "extension": "png",
    "url": "http://localhost:84/files/Ui9imeVjqu",
    "size": "117558",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-02-12 21:42:09"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the order
customerid GUID (Customers) Unique ID of the customer of the order
fullname String (max 255 chars) Name of the customer
number Integer (max 11 digits) Number of the order
status String (Predefined values) Status of the order
total Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Total price of the order with taxes, shipping, shipping staxes and discount
totalprice Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Total price of the order without taxes, shipping, shipping staxes and discount
totaltaxes Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Taxes price of the order
totalshipping Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Shipping price of the order (without taxes)
totalshippingtaxes Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Shipping taxes price of the order
totaldiscount Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Discount of the order
taxid GUID (Taxes) Unique ID of the tax of the order
shippingid GUID (Shipping methods) Unique ID of the shipping method of the order
shippingname String (max 255 chars) Name of the shipping method
shippingoption String (max 255 chars) Shipping option of the order
shippingoptionname String (max 255 chars) Name of the shipping option of the order
couponid GUID (Coupons) Unique ID of the coupon of the order
couponcode String (max 255 chars) Code of the coupon of the order
billingsame Boolean Indicates whether or not billing information of the order is the same of the customer information
customernotes String (max 255 chars) Notes about the order by the customer
billingfirstname String (max 255 chars) First name of the billing customer
billinglastname String (max 255 chars) Last name of the billing customer
billingemail String (max 255 chars) Email of the billing customer
billingphone String (max 255 chars) Phone number of the billing customer
billingcompany String (max 255 chars) Company of the billing customer
billingaddressline1 String (max 255 chars) Address first line of the billing customer
billingaddressline2 String (max 255 chars) Address second line of the billing customer
billingcountryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country of the billing customer
billingcountrycode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country of the billing customer
billingcountryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country of the billing customer
billingstateid GUID (States) Unique ID of the state of the billing customer
billingstatecode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the state of the billing customer
billingstatename String (max 255 chars) Name of the state of the billing customer
billingcity String (max 255 chars) City of the billing customer
billingpostalcode String (max 255 chars) Postal code of the billing customer
shippingsame Boolean Indicates whether or not shipping information of the order is the same of the customer information
shippingfirstname String (max 255 chars) First name of the shipping customer
shippinglastname String (max 255 chars) Last name of the shipping customer
shippingemail String (max 255 chars) Email of the shipping customer
shippingphone String (max 255 chars) Phone number of the shipping customer
shippingcompany String (max 255 chars) Company of the shipping customer
shippingaddressline1 String (max 255 chars) Address first line of the shipping customer
shippingaddressline2 String (max 255 chars) Address second line of the shipping customer
shippingcountryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country of the shipping customer
shippingcountrycode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country of the shipping customer
shippingcountryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country of the shipping customer
shippingstateid GUID (States) Unique ID of the state of the shipping customer
shippingstatecode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the state of the shipping customer
shippingstatename String (max 255 chars) Name of the state of the shipping customer
shippingcity String (max 255 chars) City of the shipping customer
shippingpostalcode String (max 255 chars) Postal code of the shipping customer
paymentmethodid GUID (Payment methods) Unique ID of the payment method of the order
paymentmethodname String (max 255 chars) Name of the payment method
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the category
createdon DateTime Date at which the category had been created
id GUID Unique ID of the item
productid GUID (Products) Unique ID of the product
productvariantid GUID (Products) Unique ID of the variant of the product
itemname String (max 255 chars) Name of the item
unitprice Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Price of the item
sku String (max 255 chars) SKU of the item
quantity Integer (max 11 digits) Quantity of the same item bought
id GUID Unique ID of the history of the order
userid GUID (Users) Unique ID of the user who changed the status of the order
updatedon DateTime Date at which the change had been made
status String (Predefined values) Status of the order
id GUID Unique ID of the payment of the order
customerid GUID (Customers) Unique ID of the customer who made the payment of the order
type String (Predefined values) Type of payment of the order
amount Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Amount paid with that payment
trxid String (max 255 chars) Unique ID of the transaction of the payment
methodid GUID (Payment methods) Unique ID of the payment method of the order
createdon DateTime Date at which the payment had been made
id GUID Unique ID of the tracking of the order
trackingnumber String (max 255 chars) Tracking number of the order
trackingurl String (max 255 chars) Tracking URL of the order
providertype String (Predefined values) Provider type of the tracking of the order
providername String (max 255 chars) Provider name of the tracking of the order
createdon DateTime Date at which the tracking had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "customerid": "3bd55c5a-eac2-4dae-8016-61bd72161422",
    "fullname": "Mr Example",
    "number": "1002",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "total": "36.50",
    "totalprice": "40.00",
    "totaltaxes": "0.00",
    "totalshipping": "2.50",
    "totalshippingtaxes": "0.00",
    "totaldiscount": "6.00",
    "taxid": "e66f27c0-d73f-42d4-a527-3d159433e537",
    "shippingid": "7bf80e69-b0e6-41a2-a621-6e595eb6d27a",
    "shippingname": "Fedex",
    "shippingoption": "NA",
    "shippingoptionname": "",
    "couponid": "2c663eed-6322-42d5-91b3-a5da9563e68d",
    "couponcode": "FBF98AC349A9",
    "billingsame": "true",
    "customernotes": "nothing to say",
    "discount": "5.00",
    "billingfirstname": "Mr",
    "billinglastname": "Example",
    "billingemail": "[email protected]",
    "billingphone": "4181234567",
    "billingcompany": "commerscale",
    "billingaddressline1": "123 street",
    "billingaddressline2": "",
    "billingcountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "billingcountrycode": "CA",
    "billingcountryname": "Canada",
    "billingstateid": "ea150089-6c9f-4c00-81f3-e64e67270fe9",
    "billingstatecode": "QC",
    "billingstatename": "Quebec",
    "billingcity": "Quebec",
    "billingpostalcode": "G1G1G1",
    "shippingsame": "true",
    "shippingfirstname": "Mr",
    "shippinglastname": "Example",
    "shippingemail": "[email protected]",
    "shippingphone": "4181234567",
    "shippingcompany": "commerscale",
    "shippingaddressline1": "123 street",
    "shippingaddressline2": "",
    "shippingcountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "shippingcountrycode": "CA",
    "shippingcountryname": "Canada",
    "shippingstateid": "ea150089-6c9f-4c00-81f3-e64e67270fe9",
    "shippingstatecode": "QC",
    "shippingstatename": "Quebec",
    "shippingcity": "Quebec",
    "shippingpostalcode": "G1G1G1",
    "items": [
        "id": "97e96cd3-22e7-4f93-960c-8f9a2f721b30",
        "productid": "93cacc6d-fe4a-455c-a080-49c251413918",
        "productvariantid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "itemname": "Item 1",
        "unitprice": "12.00",
        "sku": "AAAAAA",
        "quantity": "2"
    "histories": [
        "id": "737c00b1-4df6-4543-a42f-bd2e4d586b7a",
        "userid": "00000000-1111-1111-3333-000000000000",
        "updatedon": "2016-01-07 11:21:50",
        "status": "PENDING"
    "payments": [
        "id": "6ca97fe3-708d-4f48-9e6d-fa0e9399300f",
        "customerid": "3bd55c5a-eac2-4dae-8016-61bd72161422",
        "type": "WIRE",
        "amount": "32.50",
        "trxid": "FSDF548LAL",
        "methodid": "",
        "createdon": "2016-01-06 12:57:45"
    "trackings": [
        "id": "26be0604-ebf9-487e-9ec0-ae892de3bb6f",
        "trackingnumber": "12345",
        "trackingurl": "",
        "providertype": "CANADAPOST",
        "providername": "Example",
        "createdon": "2016-01-08 06:13:56"
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-06 12:56:22"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the page
title String (max 255 chars) Title of the page
slug String (max 255 chars) URL shorthand (slug) of the page
content String (max 65535 chars) Content in HTML of the page
homepage Boolean Indicates whether or not the page is the homepage
secured Boolean Indicates whether or not the page is secured
seopagetitle String (max 255 chars) Title of the page (if different from the title) for SEO purpose
seopagedescription String (max 255 chars) Description of the page for search engines for SEO purpose
seometakeywords String (max 255 chars) Keywords for the page for SEO purpose
backgroundfileid GUID (Files) Unique ID of the background file
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the page
createdon DateTime Date at which the page had been created
id GUID Unique ID of the version of the page
content String (max 65535 chars) Content in HTML of the page for that version
version Integer (max 11 digits) Version of the page
createdon DateTime Date at which the version of the page had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "title": "My First Page",
    "slug": "my-first-page",
    "content": "My first page content",
    "homepage": "false",
    "secured": "false",
    "seopagetitle": "SEO page title",
    "seopagedescription": "SEO META description",
    "seometakeywords": "SEO META keywords",
    "backgroundfileid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "versions": [
        "id": "30348d8d-0826-4fea-bad7-b47db7214822",
        "content": "",
        "version": "2",
        "createdon": "2016-01-08 11:30:01"
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-06 13:51:45"

Payment Method


Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the payment method
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the payment method
type String (Predefined values) Type of payment method
appliesto String (Predefined values) Indicates to whom that payment method is applied
appliestocountryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country to which that payment method is applied
appliestocountrycode String (max 255 chars) Code of the country
appliestocountryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country
appliestolist Array of String (max 255 chars) Indicates where that payment method is applied
instant String JSON structure for the parameters (only if the type is "instant"). Varies according to payment provider.
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the payment method
createdon DateTime Date at which the payment method had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Payment Method",
    "type": "INSTANT",
    "appliesto": "COUNTRY",
    "appliestocountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "appliestocountrycode": "CA",
    "appliestocountryname": "Canada",
    "appliestolist": [
    "instant": {
        "gateway": "paypal",
        "email": "[email protected]"
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-07 14:00:22"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the product
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the product
slug String (max 255 chars) URL shorthand (slug) of the product
description String (max 65535 chars) Description in HTML of the product
vendor String (max 255 chars) Name of the vendor of the product
taxable Boolean Indicates whether or not the product is taxable
price Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Price of the product
discountprice Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Price of the product when discounted
discounted Boolean Indicates whether or not the product is discounted
minbuy Integer (max 11 digits) Minimum quantity allowed per order
maxbuy Integer (max 11 digits) Maximum quantity allowed per order
sku String (max 255 chars) SKU of the product
barcode String (max 255 chars) Barcore number of the product
type String (Predefined values) Type of product
quantity Integer (max 11 digits) Quantity in inventory of the product
allowbuynostock Boolean Indicates whether or not the customer can buy the product even if not in stock
weight Decimal (max 2 digits and 2 decimals) Weight (in lbs) of the product
visible Boolean Indicates whether or not the product is visible
seopagetitle String (max 255 chars) Title of the page (if different from the title) for SEO purpose
seopagedescription String (max 255 chars) Description of the page for search engines for SEO purpose
seometakeywords String (max 255 chars) Keywords for the page for SEO purpose
size Integer (max 11 digits) Size of the product
nbsold Integer (max 11 digits) Quantity sold of the product
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the product
createdon DateTime Date at which the product had been created
id GUID Unique ID of the category
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the category
id GUID Unique ID of the collection
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the collection
id GUID Unique ID of the image
url String (max 255 chars) Complete url of the image
rank Integer (max 11 digits) Position of the image
id GUID Unique ID of the review
customerid GUID (Customers) Unique ID of the customer who created the review
rating Integer (max 11 digits) Rating of the product by the customer
comment String (max 65535 chars) Comment of the review
createdon DateTime Date at which the review had been created
tag String (max 255 chars) Text tag
id GUID Unique ID of the variant
color String (max 255 chars) Color of the variant of the product
size String (max 255 chars) Size of the variant of the product
material String (max 255 chars) Material of the variant of the product
duration String (max 255 chars) Duration of the variant of the product
sku String (max 255 chars) SKU of the variant
barcode String (max 255 chars) Barcode number of the variant
quantity Integer (max 11 digits) Quantity in inventory of the variant
displayname String (max 65535 chars) Displayed name of the variant

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Product",
    "slug": "my-first-product",
    "description": "Description of my first product",
    "vendor": "Mr Example",
    "taxable": "true",
    "price": "49.98",
    "discountprice": "10.50",
    "discounted": "true",
    "minbuy": "1",
    "maxbuy": "100",
    "sku": "HKKJKJ765GH",
    "barcode": "123456",
    "type": "PHYSICAL",
    "quantity": "1000",
    "allowbuynostock": "true",
    "weight": "5.42",
    "visible": "true",
    "seopagetitle": "SEO page title",
    "seopagedescription": "SEO META description",
    "seometakeywords": "SEO META keywords",
    "size": "5",
    "nbsold": "40",
    "categories": [
        "id": "381b456b-cce3-4920-ae97-c36f833962d3",
        "name": "Category A"
        "id": "622e6b55-ffa6-4149-9993-a44cf7f9cc9f",
        "name": "Category B"
    "collections": [
        "id": "7a2405a9-790d-4993-987b-ca6f21060da3",
        "name": "Collection A"
        "id": "83d86894-1b75-4308-997b-199bf353320b",
        "name": "Collection B"
    "images": [
        "id": "4e7c1130-f24b-4e97-a428-e605fc61dfe3",
        "url": "",
        "rank": "1"
    "reviews": [
        "id": "b895040a-42d2-4495-8ae6-286deeb7411f",
        "customerid": "3bd55c5a-eac2-4dae-8016-61bd72161422",
        "rating": "10",
        "comment": "My comment",
        "createdon": "2016-01-07 14:02:36"
    "tags": [
        "tag": "tag example 1"
        "tag": "tag example 2"
    "variants": [
        "id": "93f35ec8-331a-46ae-8599-85ee7dc7244a",
        "color": "green",
        "size": "medium",
        "material": "fiber",
        "duration": "",
        "sku": "HKKJKJ765GI",
        "barcode": "22323434",
        "quantity": "0",
        "displayname": "green / medium / fiber (HKKJKJ765GI)"
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2015-10-25 10:29:08"

Shipping Method


Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the shipping method
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the shipping method
type String (Predefined values) Type of the shipping method
handlingfee Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Handling fee of the shipping method
fixedtype String (Predefined values) Fixed type of payment for the shipping method
fixedamount Decimal (max 8 digits and 2 decimals) Fixed amount to pay for the shipping method
appliesto String (Predefined values) Indicates to whom that shipping method is applied
appliestocountryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country to which that shipping method is applied
appliestocountrycode String (max 255 chars) Code of the country
appliestocountryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country
appliestolist Array of String (max 255 chars) Indicates where that shipping method is applied
taxable Boolean Indicates whether or not the shipping method is taxable
logourl String (max 255 chars) URL of the logo of the shipping method
logourlsecure String (max 255 chars) Secure (HTTPS) URL of the logo of the shipping method
realtime String JSON representation of the parameters for the provider selected (if type is "realtime").
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the shipping method
createdon DateTime Date at which the shipping method had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Shipping Method",
    "type": "REALTIME",
    "handlingfee": "5.50",
    "fixedtype": "FLAT_ORDER",
    "fixedamount": "0.00",
    "appliesto": "STATE",
    "appliestocountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "appliestocountrycode": "CA",
    "appliestocountryname": "Canada",
    "appliestolist": [
    "taxable": "false",
    "realtime": {
        "provider": "ProviderExample",
        "key": "example",
        "keyPassword": "example",
        "accountNumber": "example",
        "meterNumber": "example",
        "serverType": "PROD"
    "logourl": "",
    "logourlsecure": "",
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-07 21:31:39"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the state
countryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country
countrycode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country
countryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the state
code String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the state
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the country

JSON representation

    "id": "05e58b5c-d043-4a38-a16e-7957336047d0",
    "countryid": "4e713edd-a030-433c-86ce-fbeb9af7e6c7",
    "countrycode": "US",
    "countryname": "United States",
    "code": "AK",
    "name": "Alaska"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the store
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the store
maintenance Boolean Indicates whether or not the store is in maintenance
enableaccountcreate Boolean Indicates whether or not accounts creation is enabled
enableproductpurchase Boolean Indicates whether or not purchase of products is enabled
enableproductreview Boolean Indicates whether or not product reviews is enblaed
startingordernumber Integer (max 11 digits) Starting number for orders
enableguestcheckout Boolean Indicates whether or not guests checkout is enabled
inventoryupdatetrigger String (max 255 chars) Determines when the invetory is updated (on order or on shipping)
address String (max 65535 chars) Address of the store
city String (max 255 chars) City of the store
countryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country of the store
countrycode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the country of the store
countryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country of the store
stateid GUID (States) Unique ID of the state of the store
statecode String (max 255 chars) Unique code of the state of the store
statename String (max 255 chars) Name of the state of the store
postalcode String (max 255 chars) Postal code of the store
phone String (max 255 chars) Phone number of the store
haslogo Boolean Indicates whether or not the store has a logo
apikey String (max 255 chars) Unique ID to use the API of the store
smtpdefault Boolean Indicates whether or not the default smtp server is used to send emails
smtpfrom String (max 255 chars) Email from which the emails are sent to notify customers
smtpserver String (max 255 chars) SMTP server used to send emails
smtpport Integer (max 11 digits) SMTP server port
smtpusername String (max 255 chars) SMTP server username
robotstxt String (max 65535 chars) Content used by search engines to know how the website must be indexed
analyticstracking String (max 65535 chars) Code to use an external analytics service
conversiontracking String (max 65535 chars) Code executed once per successful order
orderconfirmationtemplateid GUID Unique ID of the template for order confirmation
orderstatustemplateid GUID Unique ID of the template for order status
newaccounttemplateid GUID Unique ID of the template for new accounts
newordertemplateid GUID Unique ID of the template for new orders
newcustomertemplateid GUID Unique ID of the template for new customers
facebookurl String (max 255 chars) URL of the Facebook logo of the store
twitterurl String (max 255 chars) URL of the Twitter page of the store
youtubeurl String (max 255 chars) URL of the YouTube page of the store
thumblrurl String (max 255 chars) URL of the Thumblr page of the store
pinteresturl String (max 255 chars) URL of the Pinterest page of the store
autobill Boolean Indicates whether or not the store is automatically billed
trialexpireson DateTime Date at which the trial of the store expired
lastbilledon DateTime Date at which the store had been last billed
createdon DateTime Date at which the store had been created

JSON representation

   "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
   "name": "",
   "maintenance": "false",
   "enableaccountcreate": "false",
   "enableproductpurchase": "false",
   "enableproductreview": "false",
   "startingordernumber": "1000",
   "enableguestcheckout": "false",
   "inventoryupdatetrigger": "SHIPPING",
   "address": "123 street",
   "city": "Quebec",
   "countryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
   "countrycode": "CA",
   "countryname": "Canada",
   "stateid": "ea150089-6c9f-4c00-81f3-e64e67270fe9",
   "statecode": "QC",
   "statename": "Quebec",
   "postalcode": "G1G1G1",
   "phone": "4181234567",
   "haslogo": "false",
   "apikey": "jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162",
   "smtpdefault": "false",
   "smtpfrom": "[email protected]",
   "smtpserver": "",
   "smtpport": "25",
   "smtpusername": "example",
   "robotstxt": "User-agent: *",
   "analyticstracking": "",
   "conversiontracking": "",
   "orderconfirmationtemplateid": "a23fab0a-5316-4350-be02-da9ff2d25b0b",
   "orderstatustemplateid": "c32a297c-f997-44d0-bce1-61bc2f602496",
   "newaccounttemplateid": "fe136980-bd2d-42e0-985f-77b7334836ef",
   "newordertemplateid": "ff961dd8-7d7a-43da-8eae-aadffacf8818",
   "newcustomertemplateid": "7983b604-75c4-40c7-896d-2b2a022353ad",
   "facebookurl": "",
   "twitterurl": "",
   "youtubeurl": "",
   "thumblrurl": "",
   "pinteresturl": "",
   "autobill": "true",
   "trialexpireson": "2016-02-19 20:41:10",
   "lastbilledon": "2016-08-01 00:00:00",
   "createdon": "2016-01-31 11:52:50"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the tax
name String (max 255 chars) Name of the tax
numbers String (max 255 chars) Tax numbers of your company, as provided by the authorities
rate Decimal (max 3 digits and 3 decimals) Total tax pourcentage to be charged
appliesto String (Predefined values) Indicates to whom that tax is applied
appliestocountryid GUID (Countries) Unique ID of the country to which that tax is applied
appliestocountrycode String (max 255 chars) Code of the country
appliestocountryname String (max 255 chars) Name of the country
appliestolist Array of String (max 255 chars) Indicates where that tax is applied
author String (max 255 chars) Name of the user that created the tax
createdon DateTime Date at which the tax had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "My First Tax",
    "numbers": "184567564545",
    "rate": "5.000",
    "appliesto": "COUNTRY",
    "appliestocountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
    "appliestocountrycode": "CA",
    "appliestocountryname": "Canada",
    "appliestolist": [
    "author": "Mr Example",
    "createdon": "2016-01-19 14:28:44"



Property Type Description
id GUID Unique ID of the user
firstname String (max 255 chars) First name of the user
lastname String (max 255 chars) Last name of the user
email String (max 255 chars) Email of the user
phone String (max 255 chars) Phone number of the user
role String (Predefined values) Role of the user
language String (Predefined values) Language of the user
createdon DateTime Date at which the user had been created

JSON representation

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "firstname": "First",
    "lastname": "User",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "9901234567",
    "role": "WEBSITE_USER",
    "language": "fr-CA",
    "createdon": "2016-02-03 15:43:52"